uni+ Innovation
As global leader and innovator, I am very proud of the reference from my former direct report and Head of ZF-WABCO ADAS in India:
uniPlus can guide you through critical phases of your innovation or ideation process by customizing workshops or individual coaching sessions. Below are some knowledge areas that may be of interest:
Innovation Process
Turning an idea into reality requires establishing an innovation process. That process forces you to think through different steps to ensure you’re solving the right problem, regularly gathering customer feedback, iterating when necessary, and securing the right resources and methods to fully realize the innovation.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property (IP) is a category of property that includes intangible creations of the human intellect.
The most well-known types of IP are copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.
Here you find a patent overview for the autonomous vehicle domain:
uni+ Autonomous
TRIZ is a brilliant toolkit for nurturing engineering creativity and innovation.
UniPlus may facilitate successful, practical and systematic innovation at every stage of the engineering process. TRIZ enables greater clarity of thought and taps into the creativity innate in all of us.
Take a look at our customized TRIZ-consulting for details:
uniPlus TRIZ
The house of quality, the basic design tool of the management approach known as quality function deployment (QFD), originated in 1972 at Mitsubishi’s Kobe shipyard site.
QFD is a method developed in Japan beginning in 1966 to help transform the voice of the customer into engineering characteristics for a product by coordinating skills within an organization.